Senior Adult Center
The Clint Senior Adult Center, located at 200 San Elizario RD in Clint TX 79836, is a community center that offers a range of programs and services for aging residents within the Clint Municipality. The Senior Adult Center provides programs to meet the needs and interests of seniors, including recreational and leisure programs, health and wellness programs, cultural programs, and classes. The Senior Adult Center also provides social services resources.
Contact Senior Adult Center for questions about:
- Clint senior programs
- Health and wellness programs
- Senior recreation and activities
- Clint senior meals programs
- Eligibility and memberships
The Town is now accepting applications every Tuesday from 10 am – 2:00 pm whoever is interested in joining the Senior Adult Group can come by the Town Community Center to register. Ms. Lupe Ornelas will be present to fill out your application.
Meetings are held Monday through Friday 9:30 am – 1:30 pm
Rosalva Hernandez
County Program Manager
(915) 546-8167

Yolie Lara
Coordinator Clint Community Center
(915) 851-3397